Monday, September 22, 2014

God's Phenomenal Plants!

Just prior to harvesting, Gary checks the fragrance of his ylang ylang plants on the YL Ecuador Farm.
Just prior to harvesting, Gary checks the fragrance of his ylang ylang plants on the YL Ecuador Farm. The following from D.Gary Young Blog. Gary is founder of Young Living Essential Oils and a doctor of naturopathy. I love the way he talks about the oils. Plants and their healing properties are God-given and meant to be a blessing to us.
When you study and work with plants, including their behavior and personality, there is no way that you can deny there is a God. It is the most phenomenal thing for me to watch how God has orchestrated His kingdom for us. I can also tell you that there is not a single ailment on this planet, I don’t care what you call it or what name they have given it, that God did not give us the answer for right here on earth.
I can take you all around the world, and whatever exists, God created a plan for it. He created the plants for every condition. But what do we do? We turn to chemicals that poison and kill us, not to His life-giving substances.
God gave me back my legs and allowed me to walk pain-free again after 13 years. I walk easily today because of these oils, and I live because of them. I made a commitment to share this with the world and to do everything in my power to create the best. I don’t have a little distillery in my backyard where I distill oils just for Mary, the boys, and me. When Mary wants an oil, she goes to the corporate office and gets it from the same place all of you get your oils. I produce for you what I give my children, and that’s exactly what you get. The same care and commitment go into every single bottle.
Mankind’s first medicine—plants—were given to us on the third day of creation. Why? Think about it. God had an incredible plan when He put all of this together, and we need to think about it a little bit and realize that it’s all there, used in every ancient culture, in every religion, for help and healing. The oils are beautiful and I am passionate about what I do because of what the oils do. I’ve watched hundreds of people return vigor to their life because of these oils. Essential oils were reintroduced into modern society in the early 1900s, and there are 188 biblical references to them.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Can We Defeat Diabetes?

Karen Hopkins has controlled her diabetes using all natural supplements from Young Living. You will see how she used the super powered Ningxia Red, natural supplements, and therapeutic grade essential oils to do it. It is possible to maintain normal blood sugar levels without conventional treatments. If you decide to try using essential oils to get the results you want, contact me by visiting my website--just click here: Drug Free Health with Young Living
Disclaimer: I am not a doctor, and I am not making any claims for what you may or may not receive from using Young Living essential oils. I am a mom who has successfully treated her own family, and I am willing to tell you what I used. I do not personally know Karen Hopkins, but I use the same products as she.


Diabetics have several strikes against them causing a severe mental block to defeat diabetes. First we have a society that has accepted the fact that high blood sugar is a disease that affects someone else.
There are 21 million diabetics in America and an estimated 20 million are pre-diabetic. The American Diabetic Association has stated by the year 2020, 65% of all Americans will be diabetics. I think that it
could be sooner.

Second, the diet that leads us down the path of diabetes started in our mother's womb, especially if we were formula fed and she ate the current popular processed and fast foods that prevails in America. It
is several years of abusing our bodies with anti-food before we even have a clue that there is a problem.

When a person first learns that he or she is a diabetic, they are usually sent to a Diabetic Nutrition Counselor who teaches them how to eat the Standard American Diet and live with 30 or so grams of sugar daily. They are told that diabetes can be controlled with the diet if they stay within the guidelines set by the American Diabetic Association. Although sugar seems to be the problem, that is why it
was first called "sugar diabetes", there is usually no education about the different kinds of sugars in food and in the man-made chemicals used as sweeteners and their affects on body chemistry.

Third, most newly diagnosed diabetics are told that there is no cure for diabetes and that they will be on medications for the rest of their life. The implication is that diet and exercise is not enough. Even though scientific research can not really explain why the insulin key is not working correctly, they believe that pharmaceutical companies have discovered the answer to high blood sugar…make chemicals that force the pancreas to produce more insulin thus forcing the cells to open the door with the insulin key. This gives the diabetic the illusion of cure, while the side effects of synthetic foreign chemicals floating around the body systems cause other problems like weight gain, high blood pressure, eye sight problems,
gum disease, neuropathy, and many other things to numerous to write about.

The fourth strike and probably the most deadly are the facts that they have gained through the present day medical teaching for diabetes. Most newly diagnosed diabetics walk away believing that they can take care of this health issue with medications and still continue doing what they did that led them to where they are. Even if they were told how serious this disease is, they probably barely listened because the first stage of any disease is denial.

I know. That is what I did.

Until I got serious about finding a cure to diabetes, I was on the path to death. I could take my blood sugar (which I rarely did) and get a 200+ reading and still go to an ice cream store with my family
and eat a double dip ice cream with hot fudge and nuts convincing myself I would deal with the "inconvenience" tomorrow. Actually, even a near-death stay in the hospital didn't motivate me to investigate alternative medical solutions. It was only the pain and threat of losing my feet that caused me to start looking for something that would help. At this time, I had been ignoring or half-way dealing with
diabetes for 8 years. I heard about various nutritional drinks that seemed to be helping diabetics with neuropathy. I did not want to lose my feet and become dependent on someone else for care at the young age of 52. A couple of the nutritional drinks that I tried tasted terrible and even after 6 weeks of drinking the stuff I couldn't tell a difference. I still couldn't walk around the block or wear tennis shoes without severe pain.

Then a neighbor across the street had a heart attack and died at 52. He was a diabetic that "thought" he was handling diabetes with his diet. His wife told me that he didn't take his medication. I was "off"
mine at the time. Then another neighbor died of a stroke at 69. Her husband told me that she was a diabetic. I thought about getting serious and finding a new doctor since I had moved to a new city 3
years earlier, but I was still too busy to look.

In April, 2006, my daughter-in-law who was testing her blood sugar because she had gestational diabetes asked me what my blood sugar was. Of course, I thought it was okay because I wasn't having the diabetic
symptoms like going to the bathroom a lot. It tested at 285 mg/dl and the next night it was 315. Once again, I was in trouble. I went to a clinic to get some medications. I found out that my body had adjusted
my normal blood sugar to be around 200-225 mg/dl and that is why I wasn't having the common high blood sugar symptoms. That kind of blood circulating around your body causes extreme damage and is a slow death.

After five months of diligently taking medications, I could not get it under 200. The last 3 doctors from the Emergency Room and clinics in Houston and Bartlesville told me that I should be on insulin and on
blood pressure medication since it was around 190/110. I refused to take any extra medications and began to seriously consider alternative medicine.

This is where Young Living came into my life. My daughter gave me a small 1 ounce package of Ningxia Red that I shared with my husband. After traveling 500 miles without pain and swelling in my ankles, I
was shocked. I bought the Ningxia Red Starter Kit and began a new chapter in my life.

August, 2006:
Wolfberryphotos 004
The first week:

a.. 1 ounce of Ningxia Red daily first thing in the morning.
b.. Alkalime according to directions morning and evening testing pH level.
c.. 2 drops of lemon essential oil in my water for my pH level that was very acidic at the time.
d.. Blood sugar dropped 20 points. From 225+ to 200mg/dl

The second week:

a.. Increased NR to 2 ounces daily.
a.. I started walking 1 to 2 miles daily.
b.. I used a couple of drops each of Wintergreen, Cypress, and PanAway on my knees neat
    (undiluted) for pain from a former injury.
c.. Continued using Alkalime and lemon essential oil daily.
d.. Blood sugar dropped another 20 points to 180 mg/dl.

September, 2006:

September 4, 2006: I quit taking all medications:

I found out that the first diabetic medication's side effect that I was taking was weight gain. I weighed around 270 lbs when I started using Young Living products. The second prescription was an experimental drug that caused liver damage. The third medication I was taking caused high acid pH levels in the body. It seemed like I was wasting my money on Young Living products trying to lower the pH level of my body while taking medication that was raising it. Since my blood sugar levels were lowering, I decided to quit and use the oils I had been reading about at

.  2-3 drops each of Coriander, Clove, and Cinnamon Bark oils 3 times daily in a vegetable capsule.

.  After a couple of weeks I added Fennel, Dill and Thieves.

.  I increased Ningxia Red to 2 ounces in the morning and 2 ounces mid-afternoon.

.  3 Essentialzyme with each meal.

.  After each meal I dropped 2 drops of Cinnamon Bark on my tongue.

During this month, I changed my diet drastically. I stopped all fast food and process food eating. Since taking the Ningxia Red daily, my sugar cravings stopped. But I was still eating too many foods with too
much fruit sugar to continue lowering my blood sugar. I dropped all fruits, grains and dairy products from my diet choosing to eat fresh raw vegetables and some lean meats like fish, chicken and turkey. I
was not craving sugar and wasn't as hungry as I used to be all the time. Any food that caused my blood sugar to rise, I dropped from my diet. Carrots and yellow squash are examples. Everyone has different
body chemistry and you need to experiment and then take your blood sugar to know what effect foods are having on you.

I started experimenting with different oil combinations and altering them every 5 days. I would take my blood sugar and then put a couple of drops of oil under my tongue and wait 20 minutes and take my blood sugar again. I then used the oils that lowered my blood sugar the greatest and the fastest. I increased the drops of those oils up to 10 drops of each oil or sometimes a combination of oils 5 or 6 times
daily. I changed oils after 4 or 5 days. Cinnamon Bark was the only oil that I continued to use daily. I used Exodus 2 on my tongue and gums since I had the gum disease gingivitis at the time, which I do not have today.

I increased my walking to 3 miles daily. To lower blood sugar, it is recommended by Dr. Mercola to walk at least one hour daily. I walk at least 6 days a week and rest one day. One hour of exercise daily is
the minimum requirement for those who are serious about lowering their blood sugar or losing weight.

With this protocol by November, 2006 my average fasting blood sugar was in the 130's. I could not lower this until I made some other changes.

During the month of December, I ate a couple of traditional Christmas meals and my monthly fasting blood sugar raised 10 pts.

In January, 2007 I weighed around 225 lbs, continued using oils and Young Living Supplements and using the essential oils.

In February, 2007 I found a doctor that agreed to let me use natural medicines, the essential oils as long as my tests were normal. My A1C test was near normal 6.3, but my blood pressure was very high, 190/100
or so.

.  I started taking 6-8 ounces of Ningxia Red daily. After 4 weeks my blood pressure was normal. 118/68.

.  I enrolled in Dr. Stewart's Raindrop Workshop.

.  Using the oils to teach distributors how to apply the Raindrop, I began applying them on the bottom
    of my feet.
If you decide to try this effective path (I don't call it alternative because natural treatments were here FIRST!)...Contact me by visiting my website